Justin Holmgren

holmgren at alum dot mit dot edu
head shot

Until July 2024, I was a scientist at NTT Research. Prior to that, I was a Google Research Fellow at the Simons Institute in Berkeley, and a Postdoctoral Research Associate at Princeton University with Professors Ran Raz and Mark Zhandry. I obtained my PhD in Computer Science at MIT under the wonderful supervision of Professor Shafi Goldwasser.

I'm broadly interested in theoretical cryptography and complexity theory, with a focus on delegation of computation.

Selected Publications

By reverse chronological ordering of publication date. Authorship on all papers is alphabetical.
  1. with Ruta Jawale
    ITC 2023
    Presented at Charles River Crypto Day, May 2023. [slides] [with build slides]
  2. with Minghao Liu, LaKyah Tyner, and Daniel Wichs.
    CRYPTO 2022
  3. with Ron Rothblum.
    CRYPTO 2022
  4. with Ron Rothblum.
    ICALP 2022
  5. with Uma Girish, Kunal Mittal, Ran Raz, and Wei Zhan
    STOC 2022
  6. with Nir Bitansky, Arka Rai Choudhuri, Chethan Kamath, Alex Lombardi, Omer Paneth, and Ron Rothblum.
    TCC 2022
  7. with Uma Girish, Kunal Mittal, Ran Raz, and Wei Zhan.
  8. with Ran Raz.
  9. with Alex Wein
  10. with Ofer Grossman
    Oded's Choices #285. Auxiliary source code here.
  11. with Ofer Grossman and Eylon Yogev.
  12. On the Complexity of Decomposable Randomized Encodings, or: How Friendly Can a Garbling-Friendly PRF be?
  13. with James Bartusek, Liron Bronfman, Fermi Ma, and Ron D. Rothblum.
  14. Fiat-Shamir: From Practice to Theory
  15. with Lisa Yang



In Fall 2016, I co-taught Advanced Topics in the Theory of Cryptography with Aloni Cohen, Sunoo Park, and Adam Sealfon.

In Spring 2014, I was a TA for 6.857: Computer and Network Security, taught by Ron Rivest. See the notes for a lecture I prepared on Bitcoin.